History of Sonlac A/S
Sonlac A/S is a trade company that primarily focuses on trading with different types of cheese products for industrial processing on a national and international scale, with great emphasis on Europe.
The company was founded in 1987 by Sonja Kjærsgaard Nielsen, who, in cooperation with her husband Peter Samuels, lay the foundation for the Sonlac A/S we know today. When we present ourselves over the phone, we are reminded of our roots every single day, and that milk runs in our DNA. The name Sonlac is an amalgamation of Sonja and the Latin word ‘lac’, which means milk.
We build bridges
In 2009, Lars Terkelsen took over Sonlac A/S, when Sonja and Peter decided to pass the torch. Lars is currently leading the charge, and has many years of experience from the industry, as well as having experience with trading. Brian Juul Nielsen was hired in 2012 and he has been a partner at the company since 2020. Together with the competent, engaged, and loyal co-workers, they continue to run the business in the same spirit with knowhow as their core competence.
We have the perfect view over the two bridges crossing Lillebælt from our local offices in Brogade by Gl. Havn in Middelfart. It is from here that the company functions as a bridgebuilder when we are delivering reliable and professional service to our customers, suppliers, and further business connections.